As a general rule the home should be vacuumed, organized, and ready to show when the photographer arrives. It is not the responsibility of the photographer to rearrange or clean.
Remove cars from driveway
Remove garbage cans and debris in the front and back yard.
Prepare landscaping around home (grass cut, plants trimmed, remove leaves, remove snow from the driveway/walkways)
Remove seasonal decorations/stage outdoor furniture (Uncover grills, open patio umbrellas, uncover pool/hot tub/spa)
Clear countertops (limit 3 items on counter top)
Clean fridge and remove personal items (magnets, pictures, calendars, etc)
Remove cleaning supplies and towels
Living Areas & Bathroom
Turn on all lights (Replace all burned out light bulbs and ensure they are the same color)
Turn off all tv and fireplaces
Open all blinds, shades, and curtains
Turn off all fans
Clear off all tables
Hide all remotes, laptops, and other small electronics
Remove all pet items
Clean, fluff, arrange pillows, and make all beds
Remove/minimize family photos
Hide all garbage cans/laundry hampers
Declutter any areas with many items (Toys, clothing, dishes, towels, shoes, etc.)
Put out fresh towels
Close toilet lids
Limit bathroom countertop to 2 items or less and no personal items
Remove all shampoos, conditioners, body-washes, etc. from shower
For any questions, please do not hesitate to call/text (224) 716-0914 or email ( )